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notre dame montreal

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions for Advent Sunday 2

Holy God, help us to clear space in our lives where your holy presence my grow and produce fruit worthy of our great calling. Remove far from us those things which cause hurt to others and hurt ourselves. Plant seeds of joy and peace that love might grow and be shown as we live in harmony with others.

We thank you generous God for the world in which we live. We praise you for the beauty of the seasons with the varied opportunities which they provide to enjoy creation. We give thanks for night and day, a time for rest and sleep, and a time for play and work. We give thanks for people, all so wonderfully different, yet each created in your image. We give thanks for Jesus, our Saviour, at whose birth in Bethlehem a star lit up the sky, who died on a cross to show your great love for us all. Amen.

Eternal God, in the darkness of winter, and in the darkness of our broken world, the light of Jesus shines to give us courage and hope. Light up our hearts as we praise you and our minds as we hear your word. Give strength we pray to those who seek to bring your light into the dark places of our world. Bless those who are called upon to fight as they serve in armies in conflict zones. Give wisdom to those politicians and world leaders who negotiate to bring about reconciliation. Strengthen all of those who work to protect the vulnerable or show compassion to those whose lives have been subject to physical and spiritual distress.

We pray that your Holy Spirit would work in us to help us to serve you day by day. Give us eyes to see you at work in our lives and those around us. May the joy of your salvation burn brightly in our soul that your lost children would be drawn closer you.

Hear our humble prayers that we may serve you in holiness and faith  and give voice to your presence among us  until the day of the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ,  who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.