Faith in Dention
by Reverend Larry Wright TSSF
Chaplain at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, Bedford.
Reflections on the first nine months of ministry at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Detention Centre, Bedford
The penetrating siren screeches its warning: another fire drill. We wait
until its piercing intrusion ceases and resume our conversation as we stand
in the stark corridors of the unit for newly arrived detainees. “The peace
of God be with you”; or, “As-Salaam-alaykum”, if they are Muslim. These
ancient invocations of God’s peace are used frequently by members of the
Multi-faith chaplaincy team at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Detention Centre. As
a greeting to vulnerable, bewildered, frightened or angry new arrivals it is
not a casual remark; it is recognition that despite their situation faith
and belief are as much part of life in the Centre as they are beyond its
bars and razor wire.
My new ministry at Yarl’s Wood began in July 2004. Then, we were caring for
the spiritual needs of 50 in one unit. Now we are caring for 250 in three
units and by the end of this year 300-400 in five units. Yarl’s Wood is not
a prison; detainees are not criminals being punished or rehabilitated. They
are one of the human consequences of globalisation; a concept which I
understand encompasses the inter-relatedness and disparity of international
economics; the increasing use of migrant labour by richer nations; the
activities of ‘people smugglers’ and the growing awareness of the number of
people fleeing from corrupt or failing nations. All these factors have lead
to a steadily rising number of migrants across the world (mainly between
developing nations) and here Britain’s admirable tradition of welcoming
migrants and refugees has been tested to the limit, it has had to adapt or
risk being overwhelmed. Yarl’s Wood, along with seven other such
institutions, are part of our governments’ response to the process of trying
to adequately and humanely ‘manage migration’.
Each week I collate statistics on the nationality and religion of our
residents. They are most likely to come from Africa, China, The Caribbean
and the Indian sub-continent. The statistics for religious affiliation show
the largest group to be Christian (70%) with Islam next at (10%). We also
have Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu and once had a Zoroastrian (the ancient
religion of Persia/Iran). In fact, my weekly statistics have headings which
begin with Agnostic and end with Zoroastrian. The most unusual religion
encountered was a lady from a remote mountain area of Georgia (in former
USSR) whose people were Sun worshippers
Faith within walls
How many of us prefer to locate our faith behind a convenient set of
barriers so we are not easily recognised as Christians? In our society where
religion is essentially a private affair we do not feel confident to talk of
matters of belief; in Yarl’s Wood the reverse is true. Most detainees have
an active and vibrant faith and their detention intensifies their religious
experience. In detention they do not suffer the distractions of every day
life; there is more time to think, pray, reflect and seek answers to their
situation. Yarl’s Wood can feel like a school of prayer, indeed it is a
place where prayer is powerfully present. With a large African population
the exuberance, passion and sheer volume of the worship is something to
behold. Our weekday services are accompanied by drumming, dancing, clapping
and tambourines, also tears of despair and joy. It is also a place where the
prayer spaces are sought out for their silence and serenity. They provide a
sacred area where the fearful and anxious may sit for long periods in silent
awareness of God, heartfelt prayer or contemplate their scriptures. In such
an environment they experience a deepening dependence upon God and seek
divine reassurance and enfolding.
Our Multi-faith team of 10 chaplains (working part-time or voluntarily) try
to meet the varied spiritual needs of the detainees. In the course of an
average week I see the Muslim Imam or Sisterhood members issuing headscarves
and prayer mats to new arrivals; or our Hindu visitor ensuring the Hindu
Mundir (shrine) in the World-Faiths room is kept clean and the offerings of
fruit, incense and sweets refreshed; or, Pastor Lonnie Haye, our Pentecostal
minister, playing a jazzy version of Amazing Grace on the digital piano to
the delight of the crowded chapel. In February we hosted the Venerable Miao
Gang, a Buddhist nun from the Fo Guang Temple in London, and six members of
their lay community for the installation and blessing of our Buddhist
shrine. However, as in parish life, worship and devotions are only a
fraction of the work. The more challenging ministry is in the daily pastoral
visits we make to detainees; the casual encounter in a corridor, the meal
together in the dining room, the request for prayers in the room at night,
the desperate tears of those loosing hope. Two particularly stubborn
‘demons’ seem to stalk the corridors of the Centre: nightmares and
self-harm, arising from despair or dreadful memories. The personal histories
of some we get to know are alarmingly consistent. They have suffered abuse,
separation from family, the murder of relatives or the perilous journey to
the West. Some take detention well and contribute their gifts willingly to
the daily programme of learning and leisure activities; others turn in on
themselves. Language is often a major obstacle – I wish I had paid more
attention in French classes at school – fortunately many of the uniformed
staff have other languages and detainees are quick to support each other.
Healing part of our work
We have developed a good working relationship with the health care staff
on site, who recognise and appreciate the positive role religion can play
when helping detainees settle in and cope with life in detention. In some
serious cases of food or fluid refusal, self-harm or protest we are asked to
speak with the person and offer some appropriate spiritual counsel or ritual
act to help in the healing process. I am so grateful for the insights gained
producing healing services which had integrity and relevance while working
with our St John’s and St Mary’s prayer team members; many of the prayers
and practices used in those services has transferred to Yarl’s Wood.
Cultural differences have to be appreciated and the wisdom of other faiths
on questions such as ‘why suffering?’ or ‘what is real freedom?’ have been
As chaplains we have to appreciate the limitations of our involvement with
detainees. We cannot give legal advice or offer direct assistance to their
case. The Centre provides contact details of a range of advisory groups to
help detainees and we can offer suggestions as which are the most
appropriate in their case. Often we are more useful helping them to come to
terms with their past or the uncertainty of their future; this too is part
of a healing process. They may have stored up anger, bitterness, resentment
or a sense of genuine injustice about their treatment; helping them to
acknowledge and then deal with these feeling is a vital part of our
In February the family unit opened and for the first time we were confronted
by the sight of young children and babies behind bars. This is an especially
sensitive area of ministry for our team. Working with our heightened
feelings for the families we must be ready to offer them our best counsel
and support while recognising the emotional demands it makes upon us. It is
not all tears and despair. The family unit has excellent facilities and
children adapt, they are soon seen running, laughing and dancing around the
unit and teasing the staff. Teachers and nursery nurses are there each day
and activities staff provides family game periods and a youth club for older
teenagers will be opening soon.
A Prayer for the end of the day at Yarl’s Wood
When my day at Yarl’s Wood is coming to an end I try to spend a few
minutes in reflection and recollection. So much can happen and so many
stories are told, I feel a religious obligation to hold those stories for a
while before offering them to God in a closing prayer. I’m aware that most
of the people we minister to we may never seen again and it seems the least
we can do is remember their story of struggle and faith.
Eternal God,
You know the stories of struggle and hope encountered this day;
many offered in Your Holy name.
you know the lives of those who told their stories;
you formed them in their mother’s womb;
you know the depths of our human anguish;
your Christ bore it and your Spirit heals it.
God of compassion,
grant to those who were met today
trust in your abiding presence,
true grounds for hope,
faith enough for another day
and a peaceful rest this night.