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notre dame montreal




Picture of the inside of a churchMost people think of the church as a  place, a building.  This building will usually have places to sit, read the Bible, pictures or stained glass etc. Well these are churches and they are sacred places, set apart as special areas where God's name is honoured.

However the church is not just a building, it is people.

The Christian church is the people who gather together, and it doesn't matter whether they have a building or not. Indeed in those countries where it has been illegal for Christians to gather together, often the people grow stronger in their faith in the face of persecution. This happened in Communist Russia.

Although the church, the group of people, has may faults it is recognised as God's body on earth. The church is the place where the Christian faith is nurtured and where the Holy Spirit is manifest on earth. It is where Christians are received into the faith and where they are brought together into one body as they share in Holy Communion.