Amen is often used as a verbal 'full stop' at the end of a prayer, but it has a meaning and a wider use than this.
'Amen' is a Hebrew word that means: 'Certainly', 'Let it be so', 'This is true', 'Yes!'.
In Isaiah chapter 65 verse 16, God is described as the 'God of truth'—the word translated 'truth' is the Hebrew 'amen'.
When we use 'amen' in response to another's words, it signifies our consent or approval of what has been said. So, by saying 'amen' at the end of prayers (or intercessions) in church, you are giving agreement to what has been said. You are also, in effect, saying to God that you are willing to do what you can to answer those prayers!
Jesus often used 'Amen' at the start of what he had to say. It showed his special authority. Where the prophets would say, 'Thus says the Lord ... Amen', Jesus would say 'Truly, I say to you ...'.
In the last book of the Bible (Revelation chapter 3, verse 14), Jesus is described as the Amen:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.
And elsewhere (2 Corinthians, chapter 1 verse20), he is described as the 'Amen' to all God's promises :
For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him
New King James Version
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