Church Prayers and Intercessions for Ordinary 28
The bidding for our prayers will be ‘Lord in Your Mercy’ With the response ‘Hear our Prayer’
Almighty, Everlasting and Creator God – we are dazzled by the wonders of your creation, from the tiny mustard seed to the mighty Oak tree, from the sub-atomic particle to the whirling galaxy in seemingly infinite space.
In all that you have provided there is order, even when we see none, and in all that we try and understand, there is purpose and meaning.
So we, who are a small part of so much, come before you to ask for those things that puzzle us or seem beyond our control, for those things which concern us and even frighten us.
We come because Jesus said we may and we ask because he showed us that you are a God of love and compassion and will listen to us.
So we pray for this your world and it’s peoples with all their questions, all their concerns and all their needs.
We pray for your Church here and around the world and especially for all who minister to us here in Brickhill.
Gracious God in a time in which so many seek direction we pray that you would inspire the hearts and minds of your Christian People that we might teach and guard the faith which has held fast the lives of generations before us
In a world where we now seem to hear more talk about atheism, help us all in our personal mission to speak boldly in the name of Christ and his church, that those who hear may open their mind to your voice and open their hearts to the knowledge of your love in Christ.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We pray for your world which, through the power of modern media, is revealed daily to us in all its violence, disaster and shallowness.
You have placed its care and our future in our own hands and so we pray for a tireless striving for peace between the nations, a common realisation of the catastrophic dangers posed by climate change and a sharing in the burden to support the poor and under-developed regions.
We remember and pray for the United Nations and all other agencies and charities involved in bringing aid, order and relief in so many world-wide conflicts and disaster areas and we pray that through their workers time and talents they may be seen as the hands of Christ at work in our very midst.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We pray for all in our own community with those whom we meet day by day; our families, friends and neighbours, our work colleagues.
We remember especially and pray for those who fear for the future, through financial worries, through un-employment, through addictions and through family breakdowns and ask that in all these concerns you son Jesus Christ can be offered as the real hope on which shattered lives can be rebuilt.
We pray that in all things, whether in difficulty or in celebration, that our nation reflects anew on our common inheritance of freedom, justice and service which has come down over the years and through the labour and sacrifice of so many people.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
Loving God we think now of those in most need in our own community, the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes, hospital and hospice and for the work and devotion of Carers whose skill and compassion bring both material and spiritual comfort at times of need.
We pray for those who feel the pain of grief at the loss of a loved one whether recent or as each anniversary passes.
Help us to support all those who mourn both with our prayers, with words of comfort and with practical help both this day and in the days and weeks to come.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember
You turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we see light.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
Loving God you have promised to be with us always to the end of time.
As we leave this place today help us to be conscious of your presence in our daily lives that we may be kept in peace of mind and free from fear and anxiety and in your presence may find fulness of Joy and strength to persevere to your Great Glory.
Merciful Father, “Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen”.