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notre dame montreal

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions for Ordinary 27

Gracious God, you are the source of all wisdom and in a time in which so many seek direction we pray that you would inspire the hearts and minds of your Christian people that we might teach and guard the faith which has held fast the lives of generations before us. We pray for our Christian leaders that the Word of God would dwell richly in their heart that they would be led by your spirit to knit together your people in the bonds of love.

We pray for the leaders of the nations, and for those in authority under them. We pray for respect and co-operation to be shown between those of different views, that peace may rule in the nations. Protect those who are called upon to serve in situations of violence, give their leaders wisdom and right discernment to care for all of those entrusted to their authority.

We pray for our church and for all who worship or visit this place. May they be blessed with the knowledge of your loving kindness to all people. Give to us as a Christian community the willingness to give of ourselves in welcome and help us to serve one another as Christ has served us.

We pray for those who lack faith and who do not have an awareness of your love. Open their ears to hear your voice and open their hearts to the knowledge of your love in Christ.

We pray for those bowed down with grief, fear or sickness and mention their names before you. May your living Word bring comfort and healing to all those in need.

We give thanks for all those who have died in the faith of Christ and we rejoice with them and all your saints, trusting in the promise of your word fulfilled.

Lord of life, hear our prayer, and make us one in heart and mind to serve you with joy for ever.