Prayers for Sunday 4 August 2013 Ordinary 18
Prayers by Wendy Waters
St Mark’s 4 August 2013
Heavenly Father as members of your Church family we come to you with our praises, prayers and petitions. We come thankful for being part of your family, thankful for the love and support we receive from you and one another. We pray for Rosie Grace and her family as she becomes a member of your Church Family. Praying that we will be ever mindful of setting our hearts, minds and worship on you and your ways.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Heavenly Father we give thanks for the summer months when families and friends can spend time relaxing at home or away. We pray that such times will renew and deepen relationships, that it might be a time when wounded relationships are healed and rivalries replaced by tolerance and understanding. We pray for all those where loving relationships have been soured by abuse and neglect and for those whose work is to protect the vulnerable.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Lord Jesus you continually teach those close to you depend on you and your Heavenly Father, to seek your strength and find our purpose in your ways, not worldly wealth. Whilst across the world so many are seeking personal gain, wealth and power at the expense of others, leading to revolution and counter revolution which destroys lives, villages, towns and cities such that there will be nothing left to fight over. We pray that eyes, ears, minds and wills, will be opened to the futility of this destruction, that hearts will be changed and move towards respect, reconciliation and human kindness.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Lord Jesus so many people are hurting; hurting through physical pain; hurting through mental anguish; hurting through loss of confidence in themselves and others; hurting because of their own, or another’s life limiting illness; we bring their hurting to you for your healing, loving touch, naming silently to you those for whom we have particular concern........................................
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Jesus Christ you spoke of the futility of storing up possessions for life on this earth whilst promising the joy of life hereafter. May the truth of that promise bring reassurance and peace of mind to all who grieve at this time. Make us all mindful of their need for comfort and companionship in their loss.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
The Risen Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
We remember ..............................................................
You turn our darkness into light, in your light we shall see light.
Lord of life hear our prayers and petitions. Amen
We join all our prayers together in the words that Jesus taught us: